I've been shooting things going 100mph for roughly 26 years, shooting a wide array of images; from motocross, surfing, soccer, to weddings, models and head shots. I took an interest in photography while I was still in high school, and spent a lot of time perfecting my ability to capture amazing moments in the years after.

I have been published in mediums including Sports Illustrated (For Kids), MH-18 Magazine, both Surfer and Surfing Magazines, Transworld Surf Magazine, Australian Surfing Life Magazine, Longboard Magazine, Flow Magazine (Japan), Wave Action Magazine, Eastern Surf Magazine, as well many other regional and international publications, local newspapers and township journals, and industry related business magazines.

My expertise is not just knowing my subjects, and portraying them with only their abilities, but also showcasing them as who they truly are as individuals.

I spend time working with my subjects, evaluating strentghs and utilizing that to work towards the shots that I am confident I can help them achieve. Through this process, the subjects gain needed confidence and the photos always showcase that.

I hope that my website explains myself as who I am, my work, and that you will leave with the insight of my professional expertise.

John Keppler - KepplerPhoto